9 Ways to Choose the Right, Healthy and Comfortable Shoes

Shoe Stories – You need to know how to choose the right and comfortable shoes. So far, perhaps many people have ignored the impact of shoe selection on foot health.

Most of the time, the main concern is the shoe model and current trends. Sometimes in order to follow trends, we forget about comfort and foot health.

Choosing shoes should not only be based on suitability of the model, but also pay attention to foot health. Choosing the wrong shoes can make your feet look bad and harm your health.

So that you don’t make the wrong choice and have bad effects, you need to know how to choose shoes that are healthy for your feet. That way, not only is it healthy, you can also be comfortable when wearing it in your daily activities.

Here are several ways to choose the right, healthy and comfortable shoes, as adapted from  Brilio , (14/6/2024).

How to Choose the Right, Healthy and Comfortable Shoes

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